PowerSite123 Member / Association Features

Manage Your Members!

Now nonprofits, for-profits and associations can manage members with ease!  If your organization has any type of members, paid or unpaid, PowerSite123 has features that may help both you and your members:

Sign up members online

  • Save on administrative and operational costs while eliminating paperwork.
Collect and automatically renew member fees and dues online
  • By collecting online and reducing overhead costs, more dollars will go to your organization.  Even set up automatic renewal.   
Have a members-only section of your website
  • You can attract even more members by providing value-added, members-only content and functionality.
Get constituents involved
  • Get your constituents involved in helping your cause by providing opportunities for them to participate in ePetitions, eAdvocacy and urgent action alerts.
Invite constituents to sign up for eMails and eNewsletters
  • Provide your constituents with ongoing information to help them stay informed.
Encourage members to utilize their own personal "Portfolio"
  • This online portfolio provides one central place for your constituents (and you) to track all of their online activity, including purchases, donations, events, membership dues, volunteer sign-ups and more.
Provide members with other ways to support your organization
  • Now it's easier than ever for your members to support you through a variety of ways, including: online donations, membership dues, event tickets, eAdvocacy, thons, in-kind donations, investment donations, planned gifts, and more.